Invalid or blank Social Security #; ignored. Web site address too long; truncated. Email address too long; truncated. Card default form name contains invalid characters; default form name ignored. Card default form name too long; truncated. Card picture path contains invalid characters; picture path ignored. Card picture path name too long; truncated. Invalid authorization number; number ignored. Authorization number too long; number truncated. Card expiration date contains invalid characters; ignored. Card expiration date too long; truncated. Card number contains invalid characters; ignored. Card number too long; truncated. Name on card contains invalid characters; ignored. Name on card too long; truncated. Payment notes contains invalid characters; ignored. Payment notes too long; truncated. Payment method not found; Payment method ignored. Payment method field contains invalid characters; Payment method ignored. Payment method field too long; field truncated. Invalid card default comment; comment ignored. Card default comment contains invalid characters; comment ignored. Invalid Freight tax code; default substituted. Invalid Freight tax code; ignored. Invalid card default shipping method; shipping method ignored. Card default shipping method contains invalid characters; shipping method ignored. Card's default salesperson not found; salesperson ignored. Card's default salesperson contains invalid characters; salesperson ignored. Invalid card default account; account ignored. Card default account contains invalid characters; account ignored. Custom field name contains invalid characters; custom field ignored. Custom field name too long; truncated. Custom field name contains invalid characters; custom field ignored. Custom field name too long; truncated. Custom field name contains invalid characters; custom field ignored. Custom field name too long; truncated. Invalid custom list entry; custom list ignored. Custom list entry contains invalid characters; custom list ignored. Custom list entry too long; truncated. Invalid custom list entry; custom list ignored. Custom list entry contains invalid characters; custom list ignored. Custom list entry too long; truncated. Invalid custom list entry; custom list ignored. Custom list entry contains invalid characters; custom list ignored. Custom list entry too long; truncated. Card default invoice type invalid; default invoice type ignored. Card ID not unique; default substituted. Card ID too long; truncated. Address 5 too long; truncated. Address 4 too long; truncated. Address 3 too long; truncated. Payments are not allowed on Quotes, Amount Paid is ignored. Inc-Tax freight amount does not equal sum of Ex-Tax freight amount plus freight tax amounts; Ex-Tax freight amount recalculated. Inc-Tax freight amount contains an invalid or blank amount; amount recalculated. Ex-Tax freight amount contains an invalid or blank amount; amount recalculated. Ex-Tax and Inc-Tax freight amounts contain an invalid amount; amounts ignored. Inc-Tax Amount contains an invalid or blank amount; amount recalculated. Inc-Tax Amount does not equal sum of Ex-Tax Amount plus Tax Amounts; Ex-Tax Amount recalculated. Ex-Tax Amount contains an invalid or blank amount; amount recalculated. Tax code does not allow LCT amounts; amount ignored. Tax code missing; default tax code does not allow LCT amounts; amount ignored. Freight tax code does not allow LCT amounts; amount ignored. Freight tax code missing; default tax code does not allow LCT amounts; amount ignored. Activity is not chargeable; Tax Code When Sold ignored. Tax Code When Sold tax type invalid; activity may not be chargeable. Invalid A.B.N. Branch; ignored. Invalid A.B.N.; ignored. "Use Customer's/Vendor's Tax Code" can not be changed through importing. Referral source field not found; ignored. Referral source contains invalid characters; Inquiry source ignored. Referral source field too long; field truncated. GIFI Item Codes can only be assigned to detail accounts. The Item Code will be ignored. Foreign currency account may not be a header account; imported as a detail account. Currency Code blank, account currency code substituted. Customer Card not found; card ignored Amount does not match; recalculated. Use Activity Rate is not selected; rate ignored. Duplicate Purchase Order Number. Duplicate Invoice Number. Invalid or Blank % Monthly Charge; default substituted. Invalid or Blank % Discount for Early Payment; default substituted. Blank or Invalid Payment Due; default substituted. Multiple Currencies preference not selected; currency information ignored. Invalid 1099; ignored. Multiple exchange rates supplied, used first exchange rate supplied. Invalid 1099; default substituted. Payroll Information is not set up; 1099 ignored. Invalid Volume Discount %; ignored. Invalid Credit Limit; ignored. Invalid tax code; ignored. Invalid % Monthly Charge; ignored. Invalid % Discount for Early Pymt; ignored. Invalid Balance Due Days/Date; default substituted. Invalid Balance Due Days/Date; ignored. Invalid Discount Days/Date; default substituted. Invalid Discount Days/Date; ignored. Invalid Payment is Due; ignored. Invalid or blank Volume Discount %; default substituted. Invalid or blank Tax ID No.; ignored. Invalid or blank Credit Limit; default substituted. Invalid tax code; default substituted. Invalid or blank % Monthly Charge; default substituted. Invalid or blank % Discount for Early Payment; default substituted. Invalid or blank Balance Due Days/Date; default substituted. Invalid or blank Discount Days/Date; default substituted. Invalid or blank Payment is Due; default substituted. Foreign currency transaction must specify an exchange rate, current exchange rate substituted. Currency Code blank, vendor currency code substituted. Currency Code blank, customer currency code substituted. Exchange Rate too long, exchange rate truncated. Invalid Exchange Rate; current exchange rate substituted. Currency Code blank, local currency substituted. Price Level must be between 0 and 6; 0 (base selling price) substituted. Price Level must be numeric; 0 (base selling price) substituted. Invalid Cost Per Hour Rate, rate ignored. Invalid Billing Rate, rate ignored. Price Level A, Quantity Break 1 not equal to Base Selling Price; Bases Selling Price substituted. Selling Price may only be specified for items that are sold; Selling Price ignored. Invalid Quantity Break; Selling Price ignored. Quantity Break 2 must be greater than zero; Quantity break ignored. Quantity Breaks may only be specified for items that are sold; Quantity Break ignored. Quantity Break 5 must be greater than Quantity Break 4; Quantity Break ignored. Quantity Break 4 must be greater than Quantity Break 3 and less than Quantity Break 5; Quantity Break ignored. Quantity Break 3 must be greater than Quantity Break 2 and less than Quantity Break 4; Quantity Break ignored. Quantity Break 2 must be greater than Quantity Break 1 and less than Quantity Break 3; Quantity Break ignored. Quantity Break 1 must be zero; 0.000 substituted. Invalid Quantity Break; Quantity Break ignored. Custom Field entry contains invalid characters; entry ignored. Custom Field entry too long; entry truncated. Custom List entry not found; entry ignored. Item description contains invalid characters; description ignored. Item description too long; description truncated. Item is sold; Sales Tax Calculation Method not found; 0 (Actual Selling Price) substituted. Item is not sold; Sales Tax Calculation Method ignored. Sales Tax Calculation Method must between 0 and 9; 0 (Actual Selling Price) substituted. Sales Tax Calculation Method must be numeric; 0 (Actual Selling Price) substituted. Slip ID cannot be blank; default assigned. Slip ID number invalid; default assigned. Activity is non-hourly; stop time ignored. Activity is non-hourly; start time ignored. Activity is non-chargeable; already billed units ignored. Already Billed Units invalid; zero substituted. Activity is non-chargeable; already billed dollars ignored. Already Billed Dollars invalid; zero substituted. Activity is non-chargeable; adjustment units ignored. Adjustment units invalid; zero substituted. Activity is non-chargeable; adjustment dollars ignored. Adjustment dollars invalid; zero substituted. Activity is non-chargeable; job ignored. Activity is non-chargeable; rate ignored. Rate invalid; default substituted. Rate cannot be blank; default substituted. This activity is non-chargeable, data ignored. Account number not found in list of postable accounts; activity may not be chargeable. Unit of measure too long; unit truncated. Activity is hourly, unit of measure ignored; default substituted. Activity is not chargeable; rate ignored. Activity must be hourly and chargeable; Use Rate ignored. Use Rate not specified; E (Use Employee Billing Rate) substituted. Activity Rate specified; A (Use Activity Rate) substituted. Invalid Use Rate; E (Use Employee Billing Rate) substituted. The Activity Status cannot be changed through importing. The Activity Type cannot be changed through importing. Activity Name cannot be more that 30 characters; name truncated. Activity Name contains invaliad characters; name ignored. Activity Name cannot be blank; default substituted. Income Account invalid or blank; activity may not be chargeable. Activity is not chargeable; income account ignored. Activity Status cannot be changed through importing. Unit of measure contains invalid characters; unit ignored. Invalid Activity Rate; rate ignored. Customer too long; truncated. Slip ID# too long; truncated. Activity ID too long; truncated. Employee Name too long; truncated. Job not found; Job ignored. Invalid Charge; Charge ignored. Invalid Adjustment; Adjustment ignored. Invalid Start Time; time ignored Invalid Stop Time; time ignored This account is the default checking account for payroll. Checking privileges may not be removed. Accounts with non-zero budget balances may not be headers. Transfer between accounts; account not used. Account name included header account information; header information ignored. Payee too long; truncated. An account with job history records may not be a header. An account being used in Customer Reimbursable Expenses may not be a header. Freight tax code missing; default code used. Tax code missing; default code used. No default freight tax code available; tax amount ignored. No default tax code available; tax amount ignored. Freight tax code not found; ignored. Invalid freight tax code; code ignored. Freight tax code does not allow Import Duty amounts; amount ignored. Freight tax code does not allow sales tax amounts; amount ignored. Tax code does not allow Import Duty amounts; amount ignored. Tax code does not allow sales tax amounts; amount ignored. Freight tax code missing; default tax code does not allow Import Duty amounts; amount ignored. Freight tax code missing; default tax code does not allow sales tax amounts; amount ignored. Tax code missing; default tax code does not allow Import Duty amounts; amount ignored. Tax code missing; default tax code does not allow sales tax amounts; amount ignored. Amount and quantity must have same sign; quantity changed. Comment too long; comment truncated. Invalid promised date; date ignored. Ship Via field not found; ignored. Total does not match; recalculated. Discount invalid; ignored. Price invalid; default used. Ship Via field too long; field truncated. Customer PO too long; number truncated. Purchase order # contains invalid characters; ignored. Purchase order # too long; number truncated. Invoice # contains invalid characters; ignored. Invoice # too long; number truncated. Amount is zero; line ignored. Invalid tax amount; tax amount ignored. Multiple tax codes invalid; first code used. Description contains invalid characters; description ignored. Description too long; truncated. State contains invalid characters; ignored. State too long; truncated. City contains invalid characters; ignored. City too long; truncated. This account is being used in Settle Debits. Checking privileges may not be removed. An account being used in Settle Debits may not be a header. This account is being used in Settle Credits. Checking privileges may not be removed. An account being used in Settle Credits may not be a header. This account is being used in Customer Payments. Checking privileges may not be removed. An account being used in Customer Payments may not be a header. Accounts linked to recurring sales or purchases may not be headers. An account being used in Write Paychecks may not be a header. This account is being used in Write Paychecks. Checking privileges may not be removed. Accounts linked to payroll categories may not be headers. Accounts linked to employee cards may not be headers. Default account for tax not specified; tax ignored. An item may not be changed to "Not Inventoried" through importing. An item may not be changed to "Not Sold" through importing. An item may not be changed to "Not Bought" through importing. Salesman not found; ignored. Invalid characters in Salesman Name; ignored. Salesman Name too long; truncated. Multiple cards found; first card used. Tax code not found; ignored. Tax code contains invalid characters; ignored. Invalid tax code; code ignored. Tax code invalid; default code used. Address 2 too long; truncated. Address 1 too long; truncated. Company Name too long; truncated. First Name too long; truncated. Last Name too long; truncated. Identifiers contains invalid characters; ignored. Identifiers too long; truncated. Notes contains invalid characters; ignored. Notes too long; truncated. Contact contains invalid characters; ignored. Contact too long; truncated. Salutation contains invalid characters; ignored. Salutation too long; truncated. Phone or Fax Number contains invalid characters; ignored. Phone or Fax Number too long; truncated. ZIP Code contains invalid characters; ignored. ZIP Code too long; truncated. Address line contains invalid characters; ignored. Address line too long; truncated. Job allocations for balance sheet accounts invalid; job ignored. Multiple jobs found; first job used. Job not found in list of detail jobs; job ignored. Job # invalid; job ignored. Job # too long; truncated. Memo contains invalid characters; memo ignored. Memo too long; truncated. ID # invalid; default assigned. Cost of Sales account invalid; item is not sold. Expense account invalid; item is not bought. # Items per selling unit may not be changed; sales on file. # Items per buying unit may not be changed; purchases on file. # Items per selling unit may only specified for items that are sold and inventoried. # Items per buying unit may only specified for items that are bought and inventoried. Item is not inventoried and bought; reorder quantity ignored. Item is not inventoried; some information ignored. Item is not sold; some information ignored. Item is not bought; some information ignored. Sales history may only be tracked for sold items. Tax code not found; default used. Multiple vendors found; first vendor used. Vendor not found; name ignored. Expense/COS Account must be a P&L account; account ignored. Income Account must be a P&L account; account ignored. Expense/COS Account not found; account ignored. Income Account not found; account ignored. Asset Account not found; account ignored. Cost of Sales account invalid; item may not be sold. Expense account invalid; item may not be bought. Income account invalid; item may not be sold. Asset account invalid; item may not be inventoried. Item Name may not be blank; default substituted. Invalid Selling Price; price ignored. Invalid Reorder Level; level ignored. Invalid Reorder Quantity; quantity ignored. Items per selling unit must be a number from 1 to 9999; number ignored. Items per buying unit must be a number from 1 to 9999; number ignored. Unit of measure contains invalid characters; unit ignored. Unit of measure too long; unit truncated. Vendor number contains invalid characters; number ignored. Vendor number too long; number truncated. Vendor name contains invalid characters; name ignored. Vendor name too long; name truncated. Invalid Account Number; account ignored. Item Name contains invalid characters; name ignored. Item Name cannot be more than 30 characters; name truncated. Company Information must be recorded before balances can be set; balance ignored. Account Name may not be blank; ignored. Account Name may not be blank; default substituted. An account being used in Vendor Payments may not be a header. An account being used in Review Before Printing may not be a header. An account being used in Reconcile Accounts may not be a header. An account being used in Purchase Orders may not be a header. An account being used in Invoice Sales may not be a header. An account being used in Miscellaneous Purchases may not be a header. An account being used in Miscellaneous Sales may not be a header. An account being used in Receive Money may not be a header. An account being used in Spend Money may not be a header. An account being used in Adjust Inventory may not be a header. An account being used in Journal Entry may not be a header. The account being used in Count Inventory may not be a header. Linked accounts may not be headers. Accounts with non-zero periodic balances may not be headers. Accounts linked to sales and/or purchases may not be headers. Accounts linked to inventory items may not be headers. Accounts with recurring journal entries may not be headers. Accounts with journal entries may not be headers. Accounts with non-zero current balances may not be headers. Level 4 Accounts may not be headers. This account is the default checking account for AP. Checking privileges may not be removed. This account is the default checking account for AR. Checking privileges may not be removed. This account is being used in Vendor Payments. Checking privileges may not be removed. This account is being used in Print Checks. Checking privileges may not be removed. This account is being used in Receive Money. Checking privileges may not be removed. This account is being used in Spend Money. Checking privileges may not be removed. Checks/deposits are on file for this account. Checking privileges may not be removed. Header accounts may not have checking privileges; privileges ignored. Cannot specify last check number for account without checking privileges; number ignored. P&L Opening balances may only be set for the current fiscal year; balance ignored. Opening balance may only be set for detail accounts; balance ignored. Opening balance may not be set for Current Earnings account; balance ignored. Opening balance must be valid currency value; balance ignored. Opening balances have been verified; balance ignored. Last Check Number must be numeric; number ignored. Last Check Number must be less than 10,000,000; number ignored. Account Name contains invalid characters; name ignored. Account Name cannot be more than 30 characters; name truncated.